Room K101, Bournemouth University

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Room K101, Bournemouth University

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Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University
Bournemouth, BH12 5BB United Kingdom

Directions to Room K101, Kimmeridge House

Arriving by bus or foot


This video shows you how to find Room K101 from the main reception or you can find directions and pictures below. Although it talks about Room 103, Room 101 is opposite.

Text directions


The University complex is just off the A3049 (Wallisdown Road). Turn off Wallisdown Road at the University Roundabout on to a road called Fern Barrow. The entrance is almost immediately on the left and the bus stop just a few yards further on.

Shows front steps at Bournemouth university

When you arrive by foot, go down the steps towards the main building.

Shows front steps at Bournemouth university

Go into the University buildings by the Main Entrance. This building is known as Poole House

Poole House is where the main reception is

Go past the Reception Desk and turn right

In Poole House turn right by the reception desk

Bear left towards the glass doors.

Then bear left towards the glass doors

Pass through the glass doors, leaving the building.

go through the glass doors

Walk down the covered walkway.

covered walkway

And continue down the path to the end of the building on the left. Then turn left, before you get to some picnic tables on the left.

continue down the path

The building is curved to the right. Follow it round

Round building on the left

Keep following the path.

Path with Kimmeridge House in the distance

You’ll then arrive at Kimmeridge House. Enter Kimmeridge House through the glass doors.

Kimmeridge House is a two storied building with glass doors

Take the stairs or lift to the first floor

Kimmeridge house has two floors we meet on the first floor

At the top of the stairs bear right for K103 or left for K101

Top of the stairs in Kimmeridge house

Rooms K101 and K103 are at opposite ends in a short corridor

Entrance to room K103

This gives an idea of what the room looks like.

Large seminar room with chairs arranged around 6 or 7 round tables.

Arriving by car

The following directions will take you from the back carpark to Kimmeridge House.
Click here for directions to the carpark.


This video shows you how to find Room K101 from the back carpark or you can find directions and pictures below. Although it talks about K103, K101 is opposite K103.



Head out of the car park, pass the Fusion Building on your left.

cross the road and walk past the fusion building

Follow the path straight ahead continuing past the Fusion Building on your left.

path is straight with fusion building on the left

Keep walking straight ahead past another building on the right

Building on the right , right next to the path

Walk on through the more open area.

path becomes wider and open there are trees on each side

Until you reach the outside picnic tables which will be on your right.

picnic tables on right, Poole house is straight ahead

Go past the tables and follow the path to the right, keeping the curved building on your left.

Round building on the left

Keep following the path.

Path with Kimmeridge House in the distance

You’ll then arrive at Kimmeridge House. Enter Kimmeridge House through the glass doors.

Kimmeridge House is a two storied building with glass doors

Take the stairs or lift to the first floor

Kimmeridge house has two floors we meet on the first floor

At the top of the stairs bear right for K103 or left for K101

Top of the stairs in Kimmeridge house

Rooms K101 and K103 are at opposite ends in a short corridor

Entrance to room K103

This gives an idea of what the room looks like.

Large seminar room with chairs arranged around 6 or 7 round tables.

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